
~MaSa ItU eMaS~

~KeNaLi DiRiKu~

My photo
Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia
Mengambil Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Kimia di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Batch 09/10

Thursday, October 21, 2010

~PeRjAlAnAn YaNg BaRu bErMuLa~

~Sumber Inspirasi Seorang Bakal Guru~
Berjayanya seseorang insan itu adalah dimulai dengan seorang guru biasa. Guru adalah insan yang mencorakkan kehidupan setiap insan. Arkitek manusia ini tidak pernah jemu dalam mendidik anak bangsa agar terus berjaya dan  bukannya gagal separuh jalan. Namun, adakah kerjaya ini dipandang tinggi? Adakah setiap insan yang sudah berjaya, mengingati insan yang menjadikan mereka seperti hari ini? Tepuk dada, tanyalah jawapan. 

Seorang bakal guru ini memulakan pengajian di peringkat sekolah rendah selama enam tahun. Beliau meneruskan lagi pengajiannya selama tiga tahun di peringkat menengah rendah. Beliau seterusnya menyambung pengajian dalam jurusan sains tulen pada peringkat menengah atas. Perjalanannya diteruskan lagi di peringkat matrikulasi. Perjalanan yang sebenar baru bermula. Perkayuhan demi perkayuhan digagahi. Setelah bertungkus-lumus, akhirnya beliau berjaya menjejakkan kaki di peringkat universiti apabila diterima masuk ke Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). Kayuhannya semakin serius apabila menjurus kepada pengkhususan Kimia. Keluarga merupakan inspirasi utama beliau dalam perjalanan ini. Tidak lupa juga sahabat handai yang memberi sokongan.

Semoga perkayuhan beliau tidak akan berhenti di situ, sebaliknya akan terus dan terus sehingga berjaya memegang segulung ijazah dan meneruskan perjuangan dalam mendidik anak bangsa. Semoga minat dalam diri beliau akan terus mengukuhkan lagi kayuhan beliau. Doakan saya berjaya..amin...

~Rakan seperjuanganku~

~Bakal-bakal guru Kimia
yang akan mencorak
anak bangsa~

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

~Benefits Of Simulation~

Simulation is the exploration of existing models.
ICT can uniquely illustrate scientific concepts with the use of high quality multimedia simulation enabling students to interact, reflect and develop their knowledge as well as their understanding. By providing a concrete visual experience of the abstract, investigate life processes which are far too lengthy, study complex interactions, simulate manufacturing processes, difficult, dangerous or costly experiments.

So, by using this simulation, we will not only help our students but also help ourselves to understand better and deliver successly.

~Benefits Of Using Camstudio~

I get attracted to cam studio since the first time I am using it. This software was quite interesting and enjoyable. The functions are very easy for the beginner like me. The steps are very simple and easy to construct. During my observation while learning this new free software,  I feel that it is the new method that someone can do to express or delivering the information in different ways. I think most of you feel bored during the presentation that commonly through traditional way such as  power point. It is also useful for all the teachers to make their teaching process become more attractive and interesting. Everybody can express information in order to make other people understand what they want to share. As conclusion, everybody should learn especially all the teachers.

~Teknik Belajar 5R-STUV~

  1. Recopy                                          [salin semula]
  2. Rework all model 5 x              [buat semula contoh/cepat/5x]  
  3. Recite out loud Repeatedly [lafaz kuat berulang kali]
  4. Recheck                                       [semak semula]
  5. Reasonnablenes                       [jawapan berpatutan/sebaliknya]

  1. s-sumarize         [ringkaskan nota penting]
  2. t-test your self  [uji diri anda]
  3. u-use                    [gunakan]
  4. V-visualize        [bayangkan selalu]

~Teknik Belajar PV3R~

  1. Preview (tinjauan awal)
  2. Question (soal diri)
  3. Read & Underline (Baca,garis dan tanda)
  4. Recite & write (lafaz dan tulis nota)
  5. Review (tinjauan akhir)
  6. Sumarize (ringkaskan)
  7. Test your self (uji diri anda)
  8. Use (gunakan)
  9. Visualize (bayangkan)

~Concentration Tips~

The art or practice of concentration is to eliminate distraction and focus on the task at hand. If you find that you read through material and suddenly discover that you have no idea about what you've just read, or if you attend lectures and have difficulty paying attention to what is being said, these tips may help:
  • Stick to a routine, efficient study schedule
  • Study in a quiet environment
  • For a study break, do something different from what you've been doing (e.g., walk around if you've been sitting), and in a different area
  • Avoid daydreaming by asking yourself questions about the material as you study it
  • Before lectures, look over the notes of the previous lecture and read the course material pertaining to the lecture so that you can anticipate the main ideas that the instructor will cover
  • Show outward interest during lectures (attentive expression and posture) to self-motivate internal interest
  • Resist distractions by sitting in front of the room away from disruptive classmates and by focusing on the instructor through listening and note taking

J. R. Hayes, The Complete Problem Solver, Franklin Institute Press, 1981

~Simulation In Education and Training~

[Presentation2.jpg]Simulation is often used in the training of civilian and military personnel. This usually occurs when it is prohibitively expensive or simply too dangerous to allow trainees to use the real equipment in the real world. In such situations they will spend time learning valuable lessons in a "safe" virtual environment. Often the convenience is to permit mistakes during training for a safety-critical system. For example, in school, teachers practice classroom management and teaching techniques on simulated students, which avoids "learning on the job" that can damage real students. There is a distinction, though, between simulations used for training and Instructional simulation.

Training simulations typically come in one of three categories:

  • "live" simulation (where real people use simulated (or "dummy") equipment in the real world);
  • "virtual" simulation (where real people use simulated equipment in a simulated world, or virtual environment), or
  • "constructive" simulation (where simulated people use simulated equipment in a simulated environment). Constructive simulation is often referred to as "wargaming" since it bears some resemblance to table-top war games in which players command armies of soldiers and equipment that move around a board.
In standardized tests, "live" simulations are sometimes called "high-fidelity", producing "samples of likely performance", as opposed to "low-fidelity", "pencil-and-paper" simulations producing only "signs of possible performance", but the distinction between high, moderate and low fidelity remains relative, depending on the context of a particular comparison.
Simulations in education are somewhat like training simulations. They focus on specific tasks. The term 'microworld' is used to refer to educational simulations which model some abstract concept rather than simulating a realistic object or environment, or in some cases model a real world environment in a simplistic way so as to help a learner develop an understanding of the key concepts. Normally, a user can create some sort of construction within the microworld that will behave in a way consistent with the concepts being modeled. Seymour Papert was one of the first to advocate the value of microworlds, and the Logo (programming language) programming environment developed by Papert is one of the most famous microworlds. As another example, the Global Challenge Awardonline STEM learning web site uses microworld simulations to teach science concepts related to global warming and the future of energy. Other projects for simulations in educations are Open Source PhysicsNetSim etc.
Management games (or business simulations) have been finding favour in business education in recent years. Business simulations that incorporate a dynamic model enable experimentation with business strategies in a risk free environment and provide a useful extension to case study discussions.
Social simulations may be used in social science classrooms to illustrate social and political processes in anthropology, economics, history, political science, or sociology courses, typically at the high school or university level. These may, for example, take the form of civics simulations, in which participants assume roles in a simulated society, or international relations simulations in which participants engage in negotiations, alliance formation, trade, diplomacy, and the use of force. Such simulations might be based on fictitious political systems, or be based on current or historical events. An example of the latter would be Barnard College's "Reacting to the Past" series of educational simulations.The "Reacting to the Past" series also includes simulation games that address science education.
In recent years, there has been increasing use of social simulations for staff training in aid and development agencies. The Carana simulation, for example, was first developed by the United Nations Development Programme, and is now used in a very revised form by the World Bank for training staff to deal with fragile and conflict-affected countries.

~Experiment Of Oxidation Of Alcohol~

~Experiment Of Dehydration~



Camstudio software is one of open source software provided by Rendersoft. Camstudio is able to records activity from screen computer and audio from a microphone into AVI video files and can also convert the AVIs into Streaming Flash videos (SWFs) using its built-in SWF Producer.
Here are just a few ways you can use this software:
(a)You can use it to create demonstration videos for any software program
(b)Or how about creating a set of videos answering your most frequently asked questions?
(c)You can create video tutorials for school or college class
(d)You can use it to record a recurring problem with your computer so you can show technical support people
(e)You can use it to create video-based information products you can sell
(f)You can even use it to record new tricks and techniques you discover on your favourite software program, before you forget them

For more information on how to use camstudio, you can go to this link :


~Properties Of Ethanol~

~Periodic Table~

~Type Of Chemical Bond~

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

~List Of Malaysian University~

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)
Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP)
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM)
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)
Universiti Malaya (UM)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA)
Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (UDIM)

~ICT Skills For Teacher~

Teacher must be able to :

  • Operate computers and use basic software for word processing, spreadsheets, email, etc
  • Evaluate and use computers and related ICT tools for instruction
  • Apply current instructional principles, research, and appropriate assessment practices to the use of ICTs
  • Evaluate educational software
  • Create effective computer-based presentations
  • Search the Internet for resources
  • Integrate ICT tools into student learning activities across the curriculum
  • Create multimedia documents to support instruction
  • Create hypertext documents to support instruction
  • Demonstrate knowledge of ethics and equity issues related to technology
  • Keep up-to-date as far as educational technology is concerned

~Quality Of Teachers~

1)                  Teacher as a Role Model :

Role Models are people who set good examples by the words they speak and by the actions they take. Role Models can be the people you know personally or people you have learned about in the news at school or on television.

Students tend to copy the behavior and mannerism of the teachers. The teachers entire personality is a reflection on the minds of the students. If the teacher is honest, leads a balanced and disciplined life, the children adopt these virtues as a ideal conduct unconsciously. The ideal teacher s one who through his thoughts, words and deeds, gives and an impression of an honest upright life which can serve as a model for the students to copy, follow and emulate.

2)                  Teacher's Character

A flower in bloom is loved by all and in this lies its glory. Similarly, man may be viewed as having achieved everything in life when he becomes perfect in character. If the best flowers among mankind take to teaching, society is abundantly enriched, their fragrance and beauty are then made the best use of. If the teacher becomes an embodiment of right conduct in thought, word and deed, the students by their association will learn virtue and develop manly qualities. They can be humanized and can live and act like normal human beings. They can become thoughtful, concerned and courageous.

3)                  Teacher's Personality

Every teacher must have a good personality. Radiant, pleasing and impressive personal appearance, refinement, pleasant manners, industry, enthusiasm, drive, initiative, open mindedness etc., are some of the essential traits of an ideal teacher. External appearance has a psychological effect upon the students. By attractive appearance, he/she can win the love and affection of his students and can command respect.He/she should be frank, tolerant, kind, fair and straight-forward so that he/she can stimulate learning

~My Career As A Future Teacher~

Professional Development Plan. Of course about my future career as a teacher. Hopefully I will be able to teach Chemistry subject in future.As we discuss about it, anyone has thier own goal. It cannot be blame anymore that they have thier own right to determine thier own destiny. But one thing to be consider is all about choice. For me, career likes a symbol that always be with us. From that, we get our own money, and support our live in the future. For my career development, firstly, I need to finished what I had started. Being a teacher. Until now, the feeling to be a better teacher always around my head. But, to hold this responsibility always made me wondering that can I be a good teacher? I hope I can hold it as it was my promise during the starting day I become the student at UPSI. The promise towards myself and my family as well. Now, my time in here are getting more short. I will have 2 and half year to finished my study here. After that what should I do? It must me a long journey to faced right? Future my study....always be my inspiration to become a good person. After I finished my study here, I lovely plan to future my study in industrial chemistry. It is my dream, to be in RnD position in this sector. Wondering it as not easy job, I must perform successfully as well as possible in this area. Life long learning....cannot be blame anymore. For me, this statement are related to my ownself. I know if we want to get something, we must be something, I hope all the bloggers know what I mean and if I did not have a change to go into industrial sector, I will further my study until i became a lecturer one day..Amin...In all need a lot of efforts..nothing can be achieve as a simple thing...obstacle always in front of us....but it also depend on how we can handle it.
That was one of my favourite lecturer when I was studied in Penang Matriculation College. She is the person who encourage me to take chemistry in my future career. She said that she can see the related between me and chemistry....unbeliveable. It all the hope and vision for someone called teacher. I always pray to all my teachers hopefully they will be in Allah blessing.InsyaAllah.

~Science Educational Philosophy~

In consonance with the National Education Philosophy, science education in Malaysia nurtures a science and technology culture by focusing on the development of individuals who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency.

I. Students must truly understand the meaning of "science" and its importance to society.

        The study of science must be well positioned in a broader, humanistic context. I like to call it the "big picture." The big picture should illustrate that science is a basic human endeavor that has left a trail of historical change. Science is full of names, faces, and interesting stories that have affected the growth of civilization. The social and economic ramifications of science are ever present; from miracle drugs to the weapons of war, no life has gone unaffected.
        The big picture should also include an understanding of the insights and thought processes that unite scientists in every discipline. All scientists are involved in an organized pursuit of answers to questions about our world. A biologist's questions explore the world from a different angle than a physicist. The differences between biology and physics should be made clear. However, students must absorb that all scientists are compelled by an innate curiosity and desire to comprehend and appreciate their world. This curiosity is present in us all and can "catch fire" with the proper inspiration.

II. Students must experience science in order to understand and develop an appreciation for science.

        Students enjoy science when they are given the opportunity to experience it and the guidance to enjoy it. Science is a participatory sport. With the proper framework and coaching, a student can embark on a lifetime of independent thinking and learning.

III. New technologies have made scientists more efficient and productive.

       Technology can have the same effect on the teaching of science. Technology has made the secrets of the universe increasingly vulnerable. Scientists have more sensitive tools for data collection, more efficient means of communicating, and access to more information than ever before. These same technologies can provide teachers with exciting opportunities for innovation. These technologies also offer students incredible opportunities for exploration. Exposure to these tools will enhance all facets of the education process.

IV. The key to good science education is knowledgeable, innovative, and energetic teachers.

       The best resources available to children will remain effective teachers, both in the classroom and the parents at home. Good teachers transcend textbooks, laserdiscs, and computers. Their knowledge, enthusiasm, and interest in helping children will always shine through any threatening clouds of mediocrity.

V. The greatest gift that a science teacher can give to a student is the ability to analyze and logically reason.

~My Philosophy As A Teacher~

My Philosophy as a teacher is simple.  I believe that all students regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religious background and any other classification are deserving of a wholistic education. This wholistic approach would include an education that will allow them to fully discover themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, and benefit from necessary real world or real life instruction. Furthermore, this type of approach would expose students to cultures and experiences that they otherwise would not have the opportunity to encounter. 
Moreover, as a future Chemistry educator and Chemistry being among the most prominent subject areas where students struggle the most, my philosophy includes encouraging a lot of individual thought and creativity in the classroom.  In effect, causing students to become adequate problem solvers and analytical thinkers and in the process essentially allowing for the students to educate one another and the traditional role of a teacher, over time becoming transformed into more of a classroom facilitator.  I will be vested in making my students thinkers and achievers.  Allowing students to become apathetic or permitting to achieve at the most basic level is a hindrance on their ability to excel and compete at their greatest capacity.
In addition to that, my philosophy includes a lot of LOVE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, and TIME!  Students need a lot of attentions.  From my own experience, I recognize that many of the results that educators look for, take a tremendous amount of time to come to fruition.  However, I recognize that the four attributes named above with the catalyst of CONSISTENCY and PARENT INVOLVEMENT will assure a majority success rate with my students. 
It is of the most importance that students receive an education that will not focus intently on curriculum, but that children acquire skills and a knowledge base that will encourage them and allow them to function at a superior level throughout their entire academic career.  To achieve this, they must have maximized exposure to technologies, a greater support base, a diverse and interdisciplinary curriculum, and a teacher who is willing to sacrifice to ensure that their students achieve not just at the present time, but also for a lifetime!

~National Education Philosophy~

"Education in Malaysia is an on-going efforts towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonic, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large"

Monday, October 18, 2010

~PeRmUlAaN...sekadar utk difikirkn bersama~

“Become solution oriented …not worry oriented, and you will find pleasure where others find pain and discomfort.”
-George W. Cummings Sr.-